Profile of Baby Sophia Julia Victoria



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Baby picture of Sophia Julia Victoria


Name: Sophia Julia Victoria

Birthday: October 23, 2007


For starters, I admit that I'm too young to be a mom, ' just turned 22. Before I gave birth I was ecstatic and all , I thought it would be easy......mmmm

Having a baby is really overwhelming...exhilarating ..
Tears run down my cheeks every time I watch her sleep.
I'm filled with gladness when I hear her laugh.
It makes me sigh and think, I wouldn't trade her for anything.

My heart aches every time she weeps.
I'd endure all the pain just for her.

Just the same..
I get annoyed when she screams and cries especially when i cant figure out why.
I might as well cry with her, silly me.
Thank goodness her dad is in high spirits
Gives our hearts delight..

I love the fact we are growing together.....
This might be a roller-coaster ride,
a ride I'd like to go over and over again.
I love you my precious.
My heart's desire.
My God's Gift.

Jules Valencia
Bacoor, Cavite


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